Thursday 3 June 2010

Guilt at Lipsy and other buys.

Why did I decide to take mum to Meadowhall? I spent over £100 in one day which is kind of bad for me, but at least I managed to carry on my trend of getting bargains. I even got one of the things I actually went for!

Yes, I bought a new pair of black stilettos.

I wanted a pair that would go with everything- my suits, my dresses (especially this summer's bargain floral print I got from Tesco) and even a pair of black jeans which is probably my favourite outfit right now. And I appear to have found a pair. Black patent stiletto court shoes from Barrats, fitted with help from the two lovely ladies who were helping me. Between them, me and mum we decided to get the larger size but fit them with insoles and heel grips rather then force them into the smaller ones. Hopefully the insole will help to avoid the feeling that the balls of my feet have been run up and down a cheesegrater then dipped in turpentine which is the unfortunate side effect of wearing high heels for any length of time.

And they only cost £30!

I must confess to my guilty secret. I bought a lipsy necklace basically because I wanted something from there. Plus I really liked the bags. Seriously, I bought a £12 necklace and received it wrapped in tissue paper and placed in a shiny cardboard bag that was tied with a lipsy ribbon. Yes I made sure it was easily visible for the rest of the day and yes, I am sad.

Other than that I got a pretty cute leatherette sleeveless biker jacket for £13 from Primark which is enough of a bargain to negate the guilt of lipsy, along with several tank tops for the grand total of £1.50 each! Well they're the major bargains but, naturally there were others.

Oh I also upheld my status of environmentally conscious scientist person by getting one of those 100% cotton bags from primark and also going on the train rather than taking a car.

So that was my trip to Meadowhall with mum, who says she really enjoyed it and i'm not too terrible to shop with although she's not going in a shoe shop with me ever agin because I take too long to decide.

(In other news I actually have a proper date this saturday night. Oh god i've never dated! what the hell do I wear...?!)

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