Tuesday 8 June 2010

All is not well in the land of Nik or first date boredom

I'm fed up. Really fed up and I do not have the energy to give a stuff about much.
I blame the non-event that was my first ever real date. Real as in organised as such. Well I think it was a date but i'm a little hazy on the fact now.

Anyway, details-
It took days to actually come to a decision about what to do! I suggested going for a drink because, you know, everyone seems to do that for a first date. He said yeah which I figured was a good sign but we then didn't actually make a decision as to where and when. I'll play it cool I thought, so play it cool I did. He finally got back to me on Thursday and yet again we still didn't arrange a time and place. He said he'd let me know on saturday.

Saturday came and I sent him a text asking what the plan was. He did actually reply and asked if we could meet up in the afternoon instead of evening. I agreed thinking we could go for a coffee and immediately began fretting about my outfit because i'd chosen one for evening.

A few hours later I got a text asking if I wanted to go to the cinema instead. I thought 'ooooh we're getting more like a date now' so I, obviously, agreed and we chose street dance 3D (by the way that film's great).

We met at the cinema half an hour before the film started and, happily, The Date bought my ticket. 'Not bad' I thought. Then he saw some lasses he knew from school and proceeded to talk to them for about 15 minutes. I think at this point I should point out that my date was 18 which makes me feel like a cradle snatcher when actually it's only two years difference. From the conversation I was forced to listen to awkwardly in silence I began to formulate the opinion that The Date was indeed juvenile. 'Shit' I thought. This better be good.

We proceeded into the cinema.

The date is even more opinionated than me. At least when I give my opinion I talk at a respectable volume and allow others their own opinion. The Date is loud. He complained about the 3D glasses, made me feel vaguely guilty for picking this film to go to though I don't think he actually meant to and laughed rather loudly at jokes he made that were not,in fact, that funny. 'Still', I thought, 'at least he's not moody'.

The film began. The film in fact is great. I was rather amused and, I confess, felt quite optimistic when, as a lass in a nightshirt danced for her boyfriend, The Date said,'I'm not looking I promise'. 'Hmmm looks like it is a proper date...' I thought. A feeling accentuated when he later held my hand.

As has happened every time i've been to the cinema with a guy the hand wandered towards the thigh but I was enjoying the film so felt no need to remove it. After all, it was only the thigh.

I confess that the two times he excused himself to the loo I wasn't exactly bereft at his departure. Surely a bad sign. But we were laughing together at the film and the hand-holding continued so I was pretty happy.

The film finished and, unlike when I go with friends, we left immediately. There was no more hand-holding. The Date offered me a lift which was helpful as I can't actually drive and we chatted a bit in the car. By 'chatting' I mean that he talked and I occasionally commented.

As he pulled up outside my house I said thanks and sort of paused to see if i'd get a snog. I got a kiss of the kind that a child gives. A peck. No tongues and, basically, no emotion.

That's when I felt bereft.

I went in and recieved more attention from my dogs in 2 minutes than I did from The Date all afternoon. I was home by 6 for gods sake!

On Sunday morning I sent him a text saying i'd had a good time and thanks. It is now Tuesday and I have heard absoulutely nothing from him.

Something tells me he's just not interested.

I am therefore incredibly annoyed, suffering from a lack in confidence and am now imagining becoming a sad, lonely spinster with only dogs for company. I wouldn't mind if I could just be a 'career woman' but as the journalism hasn't even passed go, let alone collected £250 I think that's unlikely don't you?

Spinster life awaits.

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