Monday 20 September 2010

Anyone for a chat?

Sooo I applied to an online freelance journalism site thing today in the hope of actually starting a career in journalism. And some money more money would be nice too. Fingers crossed I'll actually get on :s

Once again I must apologise for not writing for a while but I've been busy and to be honest- I haven't know what to write about. Mind you all I seem to be writing about lately is my love life! Speaking of which I may as well provide an update;

The Date asked me to go camping with him and some of his mates. I refused because basically it was a booty call- uhhuh NO!

Cookie/mistaken identity guy once again asked me over to his for, I quote- a DVD and sex. I didn't even bother replying. I mean please, just please!

The Flirt is still happily texting every day and I live in hope that this week we may actually have a date.

So that's it for the love life. I am apparently a magnet for unwanted booty calls yet can't secure a date with the one guy I actually really like. Life sucks.

On a rather sad note my friends are leaving me again 'sob'. OK so only some of them and they're only going back to uni but that's not the point. I will once more have no social life. I love it when they're back 'cos we do the whole catch up thing which means we get rather drunk and chat for hours on end. That is possibly the definition of a good time.

I will eventually write about the trip to Paris. In fact I may give a step by step account of the trip to Paris. It depends how bored I am and how mean I feel. I really shouldn't put people through the stereotypical holiday story. But, seriously, I need to go back. Even if it's just to chill and write. Though I think the plan is to go to Venice next which would be fantastic. I admit to having had a mild obsession with the floating city for a few years now. I want to see Piazza San Marco!

I really should learn some Italian...

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